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Agar 35 is a remedy for anxiety and stress complicated by heat and blood stasis. It manages internal imbalances that cause nervousness and attention deficit.
Agar 35Â is a remedy for anxiety and stress complicated by heat and blood stasis. It manages internal imbalances that cause nervousness and attention deficit. The treatment principles for this multi-element solution are to course the liver, rectify the Qi, fortify the spleen, supplement the Qi, nourish the heart, quiet the spirit, transform phlegm, clear heat and quicken the blood.
This formula is called Agar-35 because its main ingredient is Agaru (Sanskrit), A-gar (Tibetan), or Chen Xiang (Lignum Aquilariae) and it contains 35 ingredients altogether. Tibetan formulas tend to contain relatively low doses of each ingredient but many ingredients. By administering small doses of many different medicinals which all accomplish a similar group of functions, there is less likelihood for side effects from any one ingredient, and should the patient’s symptoms change over time, one or more ingredients should cover any new symptoms.
Because of the low doses involved, Tibetan doctors can use some very powerful but otherwise toxic ingredients, such as Ma Qian Zi (Semen Strychnotis). Therefore, such a large formula achieves very comprehensively rounded effects. In fact, this formula not only treats the liver, spleen, stomach, and heart, but also takes into account secondary relationships between these four main organs and the lungs, large intestine, and kidneys.
For instance, the lungs and liver together control the movement of the Qi throughout the body and the lungs provide the motivating power which allows the liver’s Qi to flow. Similarly, the liver can only do its function of governing coursing and discharge if it is warmed and steamed by the kidney yang/life-gate fire.
QUANTITY:Â 25 capsules
SUGGESTED USE: Two capsules per day, before breakfast or before bed. Do not exceed three capsules per day. For maximum absorption, empty capsule contents into the mouth and allow to dissolve into the saliva. Swallow with warm liquid.
Aquilaria agollocha, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia belerica, Emblica officinalis, Myristica fragrans, Bambusa textiles, Adhatoda vasica, Mesua ferrea, Saussurea lappa, Commiphora mukul, Picrorhiza kurroa, Punica granatum, Swertia chirata, Meconopsis horridula, Melia composite, Shorea robusta, Solms-Laubachia, Cinnamomum cecidodaphne, Carthamus tinctorius, Rubus idaeopsis, Tinospora cordifolia, Amomum subta, Amomum rotundus, Eugenia caryophylla, Santalum album, Inula racemosa, Hedychium spicatum, Chrysanthemum tatsienense, Pterocarpus santalinus, Pulicaria insignis, Outer bark of Aquilaria agollocha, Strychnos noxvomica, Aconitum spicatum.
Aquilaria agollocha (Chen Xiang, Ligunum Aquilariae): Qi-rectifier, warms the spleen and kidneys, downbears counterflow, assists the kidneys to grasp or absorb the Qi.
Terminalia chebula (He Zi, Fructus Terminaliae):Â enters the lungs, stomach, and large intestine; descends the lung Qi , transforms phlegm, astringes and secures the spleen and large intestine.
Terminalia belerica: This is a Qi and phlegm herb.
Emblica officinalis: Sour, bitter, and cool; seems to be heat-clearing and damp-eliminating; seems to enter the liver, gallbladder, stomach, and large intestine.
Myristica fragrans (Rou Dou Kou, Fructus Myristicae): Astringing & securing med; acrid, warm; enters the large intestine, spleen, and stomach; warms the spleen and stomach, moves the Qi, secures the intestines.
Bambusa textilis (Tian Zhu Huang, Secretio Silicea Bambusae): Phlegm-transformer; sweet, cold; enters the gallbladder, heart, and liver; extinguishes wind, sweeps away phlegm, opens the orifices, and stops palpitations.
Adhatoda vasica: Appears to be a Qi and blood moving medicinal something similar to Yu Jin (Tuber Curcumae).
Mesua ferrea: Seems to be a blood-quickening medicinal which is also cooling.
Saussurea lappa (Mu Xiang, Radix Auklanidae): Qi-rectifier; acrid, bitter, warm; enters the gallbladder, large intestine, spleen, stomach, and triple burner; moves the Qi and stops pain, fortifies the spleen and disperses (food) stagnation; therefore, it harmonizes the liver and spleen.
Commiphora mukul (Mo Yao, Myrrha): Blood-quickener; bitter, neutral; enters the heart, liver, and spleen; breaks blood (stasis) and stops pain, disperses swelling and engenders (new) flesh (when applied topically).
Picrorhiza kurroa (Hu Huang Lian, Rhizoma Picrorrhizae): Heat-clearer; bitter, cold; enters the liver, stomach, and large intestine; clears heat from both repletion and vacuity, cools the blood, eliminates dampness.
Punica granatum (Shi Liu Pi, Pericarpium Punica-granati): Astringing & securing med.; sour, astringent, warm, toxic; enters the large intestine and stomach; secures the intestines and stops diarrhea.
Swertia chirata: Bitter, cold; clears heat from the stomach and kills (intestinal) worms; may also harmonize the stomach.
Meconopsis horridula: Liver-kidney supplement
Melia composite (Chuan Lian Zi, Fructus Toosendam): Qi-rectifier; bitter, cold, slightly toxic; enters the bladder, liver, small intestine, and stomach; clears heat, rectifies the qi, stops pain.
Shorea robusta: A lung and phlegm herb; also has astringent functions (diarrhea and dysentery).
Solms-Laubachia sp.: Seems to be a minor ingredient; a Brassica family plant from Sichuan; so may have some of the same properties and actions as radish.
Cinnamomum cecidodaphne (Rou Gui, Cortex Cinnamomi): Interior-warmer; acrid, sweet, hot; enters the heart, kidneys, liver, and spleen; warms and supplements yang, scatters cold, moves the blood.
Carthamus tinctorius (Hong Hua, Flos Carthami): Blood-quickener; acrid, warm; enters the heart and liver; quickens the blood and transforms stasis.
Rubus idaeopsis (Fu Pen Zi, Fructus Rubi): Astringing & securing med.; sweet, astringent, neutral; enters the kidneys and liver; supplements and enriches kidney yin, secures the essence.
Tinospora cordifolia (Kuan Jin Teng, Caulis Tinopsorae): Wind-damp treating med.; bitter, slightly cold; enters the liver; frees the flow of the network vessels and soothes the sinews.
Amomum subta (Cao Guo, Fructus Tsao-ko): Aromatic damp-transformer; acrid, warm; enters the spleen and stomach; strongly dries dampness and scatters cold, disperses stagnation and eliminates distention.
Amomum rotundus (Bai Dou Kou, Fructus Cardamomi): Aromatic damp-transformer; acrid, warm, aromatic; enters the lungs, spleen, and stomach; diffuses the lung qi, arouses the spleen, warms the center, transforms dampness, penetrates turbidity.
Eugenia caryophylla  (Ding Xiang, Flos Caryophylli): Interior-warmer; acrid, warm; enters the kidneys, spleen, and stomach; warms the center, harmonizes the stomach, stops hiccup, nausea, and vomiting, invigorates kidney yang.
Santalum album: (Bai Tan Xiang, Lignum Santali Albi): Qi-rectifier; acrid, warm, aromatic; enters the lungs, spleen, and stomach; frees the flow of the chest qi, stops pain, harmonizes the stomach to stop hiccup, burping, and nausea.
Inula racemosa (Xuan Fu Hua, Flos Inulae): Phlegm-transformer; bitter, acrid, salty, slightly warm; enters the liver, lungs, stomach, and spleen; downbears counterflow, stops vomiting, and stops cough, softens the hard (phlegm) and disperses accumulations, eliminates dampness.
Hedychium spicatum: A type of pepper; acrid and warm; warms and harmonizes the stomach, a qi and phlegm medicinal.
Chrysanthemum tatsienense (Ju Hua, Flos Chrysanthemi): Exterior-resolver; sweet, bitter, slightly cold; enters the lungs and liver; disperses wind-heat, cools and supplements the liver, brightens the eyes, resolves toxins.
Pterocarpus santalinus: Red sandalwood; quickens and cools the blood.
Pulicaria insignis: A wind and blood medicinal which stops the pain.
Outer bark of Aquilaria agollocha: Probably a milder qi-rectifier than Chen Xiang; however, it may have a completely different set of properties and actions
Strychnos noxvomica  (Ma Qian Zi, Semen Strychnotis): Blood-quickener; bitter, cold, toxic; enters the liver and spleen; frees the flow of the network vessels, stops pain, disperses glomus and swelling.
Aconitum spicatum (some relative of Chuan Wu, Cao Wu, or Fu Zi, Radix Aconiti): Interior-warmer; acrid, hot, toxic; enters the heart, kidneys and spleen; rescues yang desertion, supplements the life-gate fire, guides the actions of other medicinal into the 12 channels, dispels cold damp painful impediment.
Bos Grunnines Pectus Pectorus: A blood supplement which nourishes and constructs the heart spirit.
Musk (She Xiang, Moschus): Aromatic orifice-opener; acrid, warm, aromatic; enters the heart, spleen, and liver; opens the orifices, arouses the spirit, penetrates turbidity, quickens the blood, frees the flow of the channels and network vessels, stops the pain.
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DISCLAIMER: This is a dietary supplement. The statements made about this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Weight | .125 lbs |
Dimensions | 2 × 2 × 4 in |
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