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Feel and look your best everyday with this ancient natural element
Phytonutrients, full-spectrum amino acids, and enzymes
Selenium and Zinc for free-radical elimination
B6, Magnesium, and Zinc restore restful sleep
Shiljait rapidly restores your energetic potential
Collagen formation and proline catalyst
Increases healthy metabolites and digestive enzymes
Natural fulvic acid for heavy metal elimination
All ionic essentials to reduce hair loss
Yes, and you can learn more about what that consists of by clicking this link https://geni.us/shilajits to our Shilajit help docs.
Our premium suppliers harvest Shilajit from 3 locations around the world, primarily Ladahk in order to provide fresh Shilajit year-round.
Our Shilajit is harvested fresh and washed with mountain spring water to remove impurities. It is then filtered and heated under natural sunlight for the highest bioactive concentration.
Due to the potency 15 grams will last approximately 1 - 1.5 months taking approximately 200 mg a day. For those consuming higher dosages the Shilajit will last less time.
Supporting those who wish to fulfill the collective mission of changing the world, starting with oneself.
Only available for
Ambassador subscription
You need to purchase an Ambassador subscription to use Sibyl AI.