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BIOME-XYM is a blend of thirteen (13) broad spectrum super strains of probiotic bacteria that originate from six (6) different genera or families. They are delivered to the lower intestinal tract via delayed release, acid-resistant capsules.
BIOME-XYM is a blend of thirteen (13) broad spectrum super strains of probiotic bacteria that originate from six (6) different genera or families. They are delivered to the lower intestinal tract via delayed release, acid-resistant capsules. Each dosage contains 50 billion CFU.
Probiotics are safe and beneficial “friendly” microorganisms that provide numerous health benefits. Some of these benefits may include:
QUANTITY: 62 Capsules
SUGGESTED USE: To obtain the maximum results take two (2) capsules on an empty stomach at bedtime with 8 ounces of water. So, this product does not require refrigeration.
For more information see the FAQ section
DISCLAIMER: This is also a dietary supplement. The statements also made about this product does not evaluate by the Food and Drug Administration. So, this product does not intend to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Weight | .5 lbs |
Dimensions | 2 × 2 × 4 in |
Only available for
Ambassador subscription
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