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Chulen is a super-vitamin that restores the deep energy and replenishes what is needed. Created in a strict formula, it is prepared by the Lama and Doctor Ngawang Drakpais.
Chulen is created in a strict formulation process, it is prepared by the Lama and Doctor Ngawang Drakpa, a Tibetan physician in Kathmandu, Nepal. It is made according to strict instructions combining over 20 Ayurvedic remedies. This formula may help the body refuel, replenish, and restore vitality.
Their primary use is as a super vitamin that replenishes deep energy in the body. When taking the pills it is common to feel increased energy, surprising mental clarity, greater physical strength, less need for sleep, a decreased appetite, a more joyous mood, and a considerable deepening of spiritual practice and meditation. These pills are full of what the Tibetans call (jinlab) and change for the better will certainly accompany their regular use.
Chulen is Tibetan for “taking the essence” and is connected with the ancient Indian tradition of rejuvenation called Rasayana. These pills act to replenish the deepest energy in the body and can help to extend the life and increase the health of those who take them. Chulen can be used in two ways: one as a replacement for food and the other as a type of super vitamin. The practice of replacing food with Chulen and eating only two or three pills each day is famous throughout Tibetan history and there are stories of such luminaries as Yeshe Tsogyal, Nyala Pema Dudul and Adzom Drukpa living for many years simply on essence pills such as these. In this contemplative tradition of Chulen, the pills are used in conjunction with various physical yogas and meditations in order to recognize the nature of awareness and its relationship to the pure essence of the elements. In the process, the practitioner gradually gives up solid food and takes only pills. The accomplishment of the practice is the development of the ability to live on the pure essence of the elements alone.
“Chu is the essential substance of the elements: it maintains the physical body and, if our energy is uncoordinated, it coordinates it, if it is weak, it reinforces it. Therefore, Chulen is useful, above all, to harmonize energy and develop clarity…The Body of Light (Jalu) can manifest when the principles of meditation are combined with Chulen.”
From a Chinese medical perspective, these pills can replenish what is known as “ancestral” or “prenatal” jing. This energy is usually gone when depleted and cannot be refreshed once exhausted. The special feature of this formula is to target exactly this energy, rebuilding one’s base from the ground up.
INGREDIENTS: Saxifraga, Dactylorhiza, Asparagus Racemosus Wild, Angelica Glauca, Boerhavia Diffusa, Cassia Angustifolia, Polygonatum Cirrhifolium, Terminalia Chebula, Terminalia Bellirica, Phyllanthus Emblica, Crocus Sativus Linn, Cordyceps Sinensis, Mountain Honey, Molasses, Aconitum Patulum, Clarified Butter, Taraxacum Tibericum, Myricana Rosea, Rhododendron Anthopgon Var. Hypenanthum, Juniperus Tibetica, Asphaltum Punjabianum.
QUANTITY: 25 Vegetarian pellets
SUGGESTED USE: One pellet in the morning before food. For maximum absorption, crush the pellet in the mouth, add warm water, mix and swallow.
TAKING THE PILLS: To gain the most benefit from this supplement, one should take one pill first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. To make an auspicious connection with the lineage associated with the pills, one can take the first dose around 5 pm on a Thursday. Chew the pills and swallow with a good amount of warm water. Wait at least thirty minutes before eating. It is common when taking the pills to feel increased energy and to need less sleep. One may also experience decreased appetite, as well as effects such as increased mental clarity, a sense of physical lightness and strength, and a more joyous mood. In particular, they benefit the kidneys, liver, heart and gastric systems. As an effect of the blessings associated with the pills, a spiritual practice may be enhanced and a deepening of meditative experience may be noted.
NOTE: Those with hypertension or high blood pressure should use caution when taking these and all types of Chulen. Because this type of formula can “quicken the blood” and possibly increase blood pressure, be sure to consult with your physician before and during use. Replacing meals with Chulen should be done with great care. This type of advanced practice is best undertaken in retreat and under the guidance of a professional.
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DISCLAIMER: This is a dietary supplement. The statements made about this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Weight | .125 lbs |
Dimensions | 2 × 2 × 4 in |
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