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A master course on innerstanding lucid dreaming, unconscious mechanics, dream coordination, & ensoñiacón (Dreaming while awake).
The dream world is becoming more of a focus in the modern age. Through the dream world, we can tap further into innerstanding of ourselves and projecting the reality we choose. We can also learn to heal deep-seated wounds and traumas we face in our lives.
Our Dreamtek course is one of the most refined on the market, using the teachings of present and ancient dream masters, synthesized for the modern-day lifestyle.
Quick and easy practices for everyday use, causing strengthening and mastering of your natural abilities. Dreaming is not only what we do every night but what we allow in each moment. We have done much of the studying for you, allowing you the opportunity to step further into the sovereignty of the soul, body, and mind.
Fools rush in. To avoid mismanagement of our energy and knowledge, nature brings all beings through a training process allowing us to have optimal fun in the coming stages. What is Ensoñación? What does it mean to dream while awake? How do we install an energetic immune system?
You are then ready to analyze the blueprint of the unconscious mind. Upgrading your imagination allows a deeper awareness of sensination. This is also where you will actualize your innate gifts of alchemy.
This is where it gets fun as we align further our external and internal environments. We tighten our dream security while deciphering the patterns. We will plant seeds into our dream soil causing a deeper sense of innerstanding. Learn how best to maneuver and calibrate the dream worlds.
The icing on the cake, is where we finalize and solve any problems regarding lucid dreaming. Activating, honoring, and nurturing our dream energy through disciplined self-love. Refining our dream efficiency and effectiveness whilst answering some questions.
Sven Wes is an alchemist specialized in the arts of creating cymatic meta frequency resonators of nature elements, that he creates and interacts within dream worlds and astral planes onto a medium in shapes and forms to bring the cosmic essence into our spectrum of perception causing us to enhance our relationship with our cosmic origins. Instructor in Nahualism the ancient knowledge of Dreaming, Art alchemy, NLP hypnotherapy, and Entheogenic integration. His Journey began 10 years ago when he was pulled into this calling after two near-death experiences that changed his life forever this was the first interaction he experienced with dreaming, the afterlife, and the unconsciousness since he was a child. Directly after those events, Sevan Bomar came onto his path through dreaming. His mother and his ancestral lineage from Egypt brought him in front of sacred plant and mushroom teachers to learn to build an intimate relationship with them and to integrate the intense afterlife experiences that synchronically laid the path to train with master dream teachers such as Sergio Magaña from renowned ancient disciplines. He trained with expert teachers for many years to the magic of the dream and to become an instructor himself.
His craftsmanship is focused on assisting the world in remembering and training the gifts and talents that we’re given to us by nature, mastering dreaming abilities with ancient accuracy that allow us to interact with our magic. Precise generational, ancestral purification, and healing causing us to reclaim our powers. These ancient trainings activate the magic within us.
From among the many cosmic patterns that you’ll learn through his teachings, you’ll be able to naturally sort from within yourself the most powerful gifts and talents that’ll expand you in to your fullest potential, you’ll be able to use these cosmic powers to shape and form the realities and experiences that you prefer, aligned with your soul.
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