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This is Semester 2 “The Unmovable” designed to fortify a strong foundation in the Aspirant in order to support all great achievements without the possibility of decay or collapse. Welcome to the ascent!
INNERVERSITY SEMESTER 2 instructs on the highest levels of mental, spiritual, and physical expansion. This is Semester 2 “The Unmovable” designed to fortify a strong foundation in the Aspirant in order to support all great achievements without the possibility of decay or collapse. Welcome to the ascent!
1. YOUR UNIVERSAL CONNECTION – CELESTIAL MECHANICS S2 this lecture exhibits profound levels of knowledge in relation to the invisible thread that links all things. It places a scope on planetary energetics and the Quantum nature of reality. Correspondences and stimulus are mapped out with manuals and diagrams that feature knowledge in relation to your orbit, influence, and energetic field manipulation.
2. TERMINATING MKULTRA AND BRAINWASHING – DEPROGRAMMING S2 the precipice in an analysis of the methodology behind programming and mind control including in-depth examinations of language and hive based programming. This lecture uncovers hidden sub-systems of an ethereal and occult nature designed to micro-manage the human energetic potential and functionality.
3. PLANETARY HIERARCHY S2 the temple secret, the truth about the bodies, paramount actions of antiquity, and the realm outside of time are just a few things intrinsically revealed during this lecture. Societies hidden hand behind the curtain is now made known along with the exact spiritual, historical, and even anatomical proof to make all the pieces fit into place.
4. VIBRATORY ENERGETICS – MATTER AND ITS VARIANTS S2 an informative trip from ancient times to present covering the psychology of consumption and instrumental guidelines for proper terrain modification. All imperative elements for physical metabolization are dissected. The primary aspects of perfecting one’s intake from all major angles are revealed.
5. PROFITING FROM YOUR CURRENCY – CONSCIOUS APPLICATIONS TO ECONOMICS S2 innovative training on balancing the monetary reality with your spiritual ascent in order to avoid stagnancy. This lecture introduces blueprints to financial success gained by utilizing the gift of advanced spiritual practices and awareness in order to build a harmonic bridge to your success.
6. LANGUAGE AND SYMBOLISM – COMMUNICATION, CODES, AND SIGILS S2 this lecture deciphers linguistic use and delves into the hidden purpose of language and its counterpart symbolism. From Hieratic, Demotic, and Cuneiform to Modern language and even mathematic symbolism no stone is left unturned in decrypting vernacular arcana.
7. INTERNAL CLEANSING AND PURIFICATION & THE SECRETS OF BREATHING, TANTRA, AND YOGA S2 a complete visual and instructional guide to the most effective methods of cleansing and purifying the Mind, Body, and Soul. This includes an assortment of videos specifically related to performing absolution on all levels. A journey through techniques that cultivate personal power within. The meridians, centers, and Nadis are all examined along with honing in on the ability to cultivate your Prana, strengthen you energetic channels, and conduct your Shakti.
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