Sovereignty Mentorship | Innerversity All Access

$79.00 / month

Admission to the school of metaphysical mastery. Sovereignty Mentorship grants you exclusive access to 300+ adept level classes, live chats with Sevan, Element Tribes, and more.


Metaphysical Odyssey of Sovereignty Mentorship

In a world where conformity reigns supreme and authentic spiritual knowledge is scarce, Sovereignty Mentorship emerges as a beacon of light for those fortified enough to venture off the beaten path of sociatal normality. Designed exclusively for the unique  this transformative curriculum shatters the mold of generic self-help courses and invites you to embark on a metaphysical journey like no other.

Unveiling the Secrets of Advanced Metaphysics

Prepare to have your mind blown as you dive headfirst into an awe-inspiring collection of over 300 classes, each one a key to unlocking the mysteries of advanced metaphysics in our time. From the esoteric depths of spiritual expansion to the cutting-edge realms of physical regeneration and health literacy, Sovereignty Mentorship leaves no stone unturned in its quest to empower you with unparalleled knowledge and wisdom. It remains one of the final true multidisciplinairy schools of occult mastery.

A Tribe of Trailblazers Awaits You

Say goodbye to the akwardness and frustration of navigating around a society that refuses to see the obvious. When you join Sovereignty Mentorship, you become part of an unstoppable tribe of like-minded pioneers, united by an unwavering commitment to personal growth and enlightenment. Forge unbreakable bonds and make lifetime friends with your fellow seekers as you explore the depths of your innerverse together, guided by the visionary Sevan Bomar himself.

Unlock all Element Tribes

We created the Tribes because we know that while we are alike, we also find ourselves at different parts of the Path with different needs here are the Tribes and what they encompass.

Earth Tribe

The initiatory process from the ground up. This is the foundation which determines height and capability. No stone is left unturned with this method of consciously onboarding your unique path of self empowerment. Ennealogy, Resonance, Detoxification, and Breathing is the conversational vibe.

Fire Tribe

Specialized for a dual focus on physical rejuvenation and financial prosperity. Harness our resources for holistic wellness and wealth mastery, embarking on a transformative journey fueled by shared wisdom and a united purpose.

Water Tribe

Mentorship in communication and leadership. Expressing your terms, expectations, and experience is a fundamental driver to healthy partnerships and co-creative communication. This is the realm of communication mastery and uniqueness confirmation in eventual preparation for Soul Coaching or leadership roles. Subjects pertaining to this group involve everything it takes to empower others through maximizing self. All is Self.

Air Tribe

The Adept personal path to activation and ascension. This is an Adept path that reveals the Blueprint of Metaphysics along with the origin and function of true Spirituality which involves the study of spirits, dreams, and the metaphysical blueprint.

Testimonials from the Frontlines of Transformation

Hear what our Ambassadors have to say about their life-altering experiences Sovereignty Mentorship has over 250 5-Star reviews:

“Ambassador training allows one access to an advanced tutelage process of growth and abundant, life-changing prosperity via cognitive and physical augmentation and spiritual enhancement of awareness. Health, wealth, and higher self activation await all who venture to join.” – James M

“If you are ready to go to the next Level The frequency is Here. If you are really wanting to grow this is the Place to Stay, you may drop by but you will only get pebbles why get the crumbs when you can have it All. This is a Wonderful investment for Self. You will be amazed at all you will find out about Your Innerverse. This is more than 5 Stars.” – Jessica C

Remember, this is not for the faint of heart this is about real transformation. Sovereignty Mentorship is a call to action for those who question everything yet know there are answers, who refuse to settle for the status quo, and who are ready to embrace their true power and purpose through there own uniqeness.

If you have any questions or need assistance, our team of metaphysical engineers are ready to guide you. Contact us in live support.

*Disclaimer: The content on this website is based on the opinions of Secret Energy and its partners and affiliates unless otherwise noted. Individual results may vary. The information provided is not intended to replace professional advice or serve as a substitute for medical treatment.*